Last week, I enjoyed the simple pleasure of blueberry picking with friends.
I brought home a little more than 1.5 lbs with the thought that I would use some to make a blueberry galette and simply add the rest to pancakes, cereal, and yogurt. I tried to save 3 cups of blueberries for the galette, but I’ve eaten almost all of the blueberries up. I especially apprecited Fresh Blueberries added to Greek Maple Yogurt! You can make Greek Maple Yogurt by mixing at least 1 Tbsp. maple syrup into a 6 oz. container of non-fat Greek yogurt.
You might even be able to buy Greek Maple Yogurt at your supermarket. Sometimes, I buy Green Mountain Creamery’s yogurt made with only 2 ingredients: cultured pasteurized nonfat milk and maple syrup, as it should be made!